Who is spam?
done remote posluchova@7plus.ru
remote oriflame@7russia.ru
remote osanka@7russia.ru
remote sidaev@8-12.ru
done remote rsnrkx99c@923.ru
remote pmz-keig@9zk.ru
done remote reklama@a24.spb.ru
done remote p9373c95@a7344l19.com
done remote sigor@aaa.ua
done remote samson_don@aaanet.ru
done remote ramuk@aaanet.ru
done remote rem_pb@aaanet.ru
done remote paschenko-dd@aaanet.ru
done remote razborka61@aaanet.ru
find /var/qmail/queue/mess/ -name
Now we try to check in the e-mail from what url and ip is send:
less /var/qmail/queue/mess/22/7406528
Received: (qmail 27017 invoked by uid 399); 11 Sep 2014 01:17:35 +0300
Received: from unknown (HELO hahaha.co.il) (info@hahaha.co.il@
by mail.oyo.co.il with ESMTPAM; 11 Sep 2014 01:17:35 +0300
Message-ID: <E8362BC0.8CF16E69@hahaha.co.il>
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 00:17:29 +0200
Reply-To: "=?UTF-8?B?UG9zbHVjaG92YQ==?=" <info@hahaha.co.il>
From: "=?UTF-8?B?UG9zbHVjaG92YQ==?=" <info@hahaha.co.il>
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080227 Thunderbird/
X-Accept-Language: en-us
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: <posluchova@7plus.ru>
Cc: <oriflame@7russia.ru>,
Subject: =?UTF-8?B?0J3QsNC00L7QtdC70L4g0LbQuNGC0Ywg0LrQsNC6INC90LjRidC10LHRgNC+0LTRgz8g0K8g0YDQsNGB0YHQutCw0LbRgywg0LrQsNC6INC30LDRgNCw0LHQsNGC0YvQstCw0YLRjCDQvtGCIDE2MCQg0LfQsCAzINC00L3RjyE=
The sending IP is
, so I want to block it.
iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP
Install qmail-remove and
remove mail’s from queue
tar -zxpf qmail-remove-0.95.tar.gz
cd qmail-remove-0.95
gcc -O2 -W -Wall -o qmail-remove
make install
cp qmail-remove /var/qmail/bin/
mkdir /var/qmail/queue/yanked
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-remove -p info@hahaha.co.il -y /var/spool/yanked
moved mess/5/7405637 to
moved remote/5/7405637 to yanked/7405637.remote
moved info/5/7405637 to
moved bounce/7405637 to
7406005: no
7407799: no
7405729: no
120 file(s) match
Now the situation in the queue
messages in queue: 335
qmail-remove [options]
-e use
extended POSIX regular expressions
-h, -?
this help message
-i search
case insensitively [default: case sensitive]
<bytes> limit our search to the first <bytes>
bytes of each file
-p <pattern>
specify the pattern to search for
-q <queuedir> specify the
base qmail queue dir [default: /var/qmail/queue]
-d actually
remove files not yank them, no -p will delete all the messages!
-r actually
remove files, without this we'll only print them
<split> specify your conf-split value if non-standard
[default: 23]
-v increase
verbosity (can be used more than once)
-y <yankdir>
directory to put files yanked from the queue [default: <queuedir>/yanked]
<secs> modify timestamp on matching files, to
make qmail expire mail
<secs> is the number of seconds we want to move the file into the past.
specifying a value of 0 causes this to default to (604800)
-x <timespec> modify
timestamp on matching files, to make qmail expire mail
<timespec> is a date/time string in the format of output of the
"date" program.
see manpage for strptime(2) for details of this format
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